Thanks to Paul C and a little luck, the rare, Review List Cinnamon Teal was still in the pond on Pintail Drive. After scanning every duck on the water it finally popped into view after about an hour and a half. I pulled up the truck and was preparing to take its picture when a huge motor home passed down the road. All of the ducks took to the air, including the Cinnamon Teal and left. What poor timing for the motor home to pass.
I backed up in my truck and started the tedious process again. The ducks ever so slowly returned to the pond. After another ninety minutes of scanning each and every duck on the water, lo and behold there were now two drake Cinnamon Teal and one hen.
With no one coming down the road I captured their images. Two cars paseed while taking the pictures. The passengers in one car were from Rhode Island and the passengers in the other car were from New York. They were friendly and cordial birders and had a lot of nice things to say about our area. They were happy to witness this bird.
(Left click on the image to enlarge).
Paul C was spot on again, as usual. There were six Yellow-Headed Blackbirds on Chalkley Road this afternoon. It seems so unnatural for a blackbird to have a yellow head. It was interesting and amusing to oberve these birds.
(Left click on the image to enlarge).
A Lincoln's Sparrow popped out of some thick brush this afternoon.
(Left click on the image to enlarge).