Welcome to my Blog. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoy taking them!

All photos on this blog are for your personal viewing pleasure. They are copyrighted with all rights reserved. These images may not be used without express written permission.

Thanks for Dropping By and Have a Great Day, :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Great Horned Owl Behavior

Hats off to sharp-eyed Matt Pontiff for discovering this Great Horned Owl during the Christmas CBC. He also discovered the Great Kiskadees as well on the same trip.

How are your observation skills? Try your hand at the questions below. The answers are listed underneath the picture. Try not to peek before you answer them. :)

1. Why are the Great Horned Owl's ears leaning to one side in the picture and not standing up straight as usual?

2. Where the eyes of the Great Horned Owl trained.? What is going on?

(Left-Click to Enlarge Image)

1. A strong wind is blowing in the cold weather pushing his/her ears sideways.

2. The Great Horned Owl's eyes are trained on a chick in the nest. It appears that the Great Horned Owl parent has enveloped the youngster with his/her wings in order to keep the chick shielded from the wind and the cold. How is that for parenting skills?

How did you do?

It has been a while since this photograph. I traveled back to the site this past Friday afternoon to see how the parent/chick were faring. There was no sight of the parent or chick so I suppose it has fledged and is doing well.

I hope you enjoyed looking at this picture as much as I did taking it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Indigo Bunting

Who is ready for spring migration? I ran across this misplaced picture of a vibrant blue Indigo Bunting in one of my files. It made me think of the multitude of colorful birds that will be heading north through Louisiana shortly. It will be here before we know it.

(Left-click to enlarge)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Carolina Chickadee

A motion caught my attention while walking along one day. I looked in the direction of a dead tree but didn't see anything. A smile came to my face as a Carolina Chickadee hopped on the entryway hole to the cavity in the tree and peeked out. The scene was too cute and called for a picture to remember and to share. These little birds are such a delight to see in Louisiana.

Hope you enjoy and Happy Birding :)

Left-Click to Enlarge

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Crane Stance

What movie does this remind you of?

Does it remind you of Daniel LaRusso in Karate Kid? Daniel, barely able to stand, assumed a 'Crane Stance' after an illegal attack to his knee during a Karate Tournament. He then delivered the knockout blow with a kick to his opponent's chin and won. Daniel's tormentors finally left him alone after he won the tournament.

These Reddish Egret images were taken off Hwy 82 west of Holly Beach while heading to Peveto Sanctuary early one morning.

Dances with Wolves or Dances with Reddish Egrets? When these active guys pair up in the same territory on the beach it can provide for entertaining moments as they go round and round leaping into the air.

This White Morph Reddish Egret secured a fish in the surf. The rascal flew away with the fish in his mouth before I could watch him down it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Black Scoter / Common Loon

Matt Pardue's discovery of a couple of Long-Tailed Ducks on Big Lake Saturday a week ago was big.

It wasn't my day to find these rare ducks but it is always an adventure looking. You never know what might show up and in this case it was a Black Scoter. It was a pleasure seeing this bird and photographing it as it flew by.

(Left-Click images to enlarge)

It was a treat seeing a few Common Loons on the lake as well. These guys go under and can pop up quite a distance away. They were not cooperative in the least and unapproachable but it was fun regardless.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

N.O. Saint's Fans

Our avian friends are staunch supporters of our N.O. Saints as well. We'll get em next season. How's DAT? :)

(Left-Click to Enlarge)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Global Pond

A Bonaparte's Gull was having an identity crisis this afternoon swimming with the ducks on Global Pond. He was the only gull around. This picture contains three species. There is a hen Goldeneye at the top of the picture, a Lesser Scaup at the bottom left of the picture and of course the Bonaparte's Gull on the bottom right of the picture.

Left-Click to enlarge.

A Merlin was keeping a sharp eye out perched on a snag.

Left-Click to enlarge.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Black Skimmers

Typical pictures of Black Skimmers are taken as they fly low over the surface of the water with their knife-like lower mandible slicing through the water in quest of sustenance.

This Black Skimmer with its brightly colored bill decked out in his black and white tuxedo sitting on the sand appears to be ready for a formal engagement. The green vegetation coupled with the yellow flowers completes this colorful beach setting.

This distinctive-looking coastal bird is always a pleasure to see and quite entertaining to watch especially as it feeds, skimming low across the water.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who's the fairest of them all?

These guys are notorious for their aggression and disputes. Their ensuing aerial acrobatics are entertaining to watch as they chase each other barking all the while.

This the is the typical Black Skimmer image ... skimming low above the water with its lower mandible submerged in hopes of coming up with a little fishie.

Living in Louisiana is a treat, especially with the diversity of birds / wildlife around us to see and to experience.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Dark Hawk

The thought of witnessing a Golden Eagle first hand was overwhelming. I couldn't stand it, climbed into my truck and set out for Fabacher Road after work today.

The Golden Eagle was not found but there was a peculiar looking dark Hawk sitting in a tree. My camera was up in a flash, focused and the shutter pressed.

This is really a fine looking dark hawk that I believe to be a Harlan's Red-Tailed Hawk. The Hawk never flew as I drove away. This is one cool looking raptor as you can see.

Please let me know if you feel this raptor is misidentified and of another species.

Left-Click to Enlarge