Welcome to my Blog. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoy taking them!
All photos on this blog are for your personal viewing pleasure. They are copyrighted with all rights reserved. These images may not be used without express written permission.
Thanks for Dropping By and Have a Great Day, :)
I made a short run down Fabacher Road in Calcasieu Parish this AM to see what was going on. The only hawk of the day was sitting in a tree and lifted up and away as soon as I got him in focus.
I was looking through my camera capturing its image for documentation purposes and IDing him at the same time.
The bottom wing pattern coupled with its brown head was a dead ringer for a Swainson's Hawk.
This is my favorite picture with the raptor heading at me. Its wings are outstretched and its tail feathers flaired with its body and wings turned at a slight angle. It head is dead level as it watches with great intensity.
It gained in altitude, banked and was out of sight in no time.
This is the first Swainson's Hawk that I've seen in 2010 and the fifth in a year and a month birding. It was fun watching and photographing this relatively uncommon raptor to Louisiana.
My name is Thomas Finnie and I live in SW Louisiana. After a late start in photography I am shooting more with my camera and less with my gun in order to capture and preserve images of our wildlife. It is great living in 'Sportsman's Paradise' and sharing these images with others. :)
Great shots!