Thursday, December 31, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009
Ahhhhh ... PEVETO !!!

The blue water of the Gulf of Mexico is in the background with the breaker rocks and a couple of distant oil rigs along with the ascending glowing ball of fire.
Painted Bunting

The Painted Bunting was one of my favorite birds to see and to photograph this year. In my opinion, this stunning, brilliant colored bird is the prettiest bird in the United States. It is hard to believe that he can be found perched on a fence post on the sides of country roads and not in the tropics with parakeets and parrots.
Bald Eagles

This scene was one of the best for me this year. Experiencing a pair of our national birds perched high in a distant tree hearing their shrill cry was awe-inspiring. Our majestic Bald Eagles are alive, well and off the endangered species list. What a great comeback!
Least Bittern


When sticks are in high demand during nest building time it is hilarious to watch the Egrets steal sticks from their neighbors while they aren't looking.
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lake Bienvenue is behind the Louisiana Tourist Bureau off I-10 close to the Texas border.
Thanks for looking at these images.
Hope you enjoyed! :)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Cameron Parish - December 18, 2009

Isn't it great to live in Louisiana, the Sportsman Paradise? What a great day to see and to observe the variety of birds in our state!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I used screws with waterproof glue to assemble the next box instead of nails as illustrated on the plan. I countersunk the screw holes and glued in cedar plugs to hide the screws on the sides and top of the nest box. The only screws that show are the two screws used as a pivot for the front door and the screw to hold the front door shut.
I kerfed the inside of the front door to help the baby Bluebirds grip the inside of the door to climb up to the opening.
Although this Bluebird House is temporarily hanging on a white picket fence for photo purposes, it will be mounted on a metal fence post (found at Lowes) and placed in our yard. Hopefully a pair of Bluebirds will find the nestbox and raise a family in the spring. I read that Bluebirds begin looking for nesting sites as early as January so now is the time.
The Peterson Bluebird House Plans are free and can be found at
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Peveto Woods Bird Sanctuary

This past Monday was f-o-g-g-y on the coast. The Blue-Headed Vireo flushed from the bushes and landed on a limb. It appeared as if he deliberately posed for his picture!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Corpus Christi, TX

The majestic Black Swan glided gracefully on the pond close to where we stayed. It was fascinating watching him pluck the grass and add it to the nest that he constructed for his soul mate who was sitting atop two freshly laid large turquoise colored eggs. He was serene and peaceful unless you got too close to his 'better half' sitting on the nest. I bet they will make great parents for their cygnets once hatched.
Did you notice the 'half heart shape' formed by the Black Swan's head and neck? How special would it be to see both of them striking the same pose facing each other completing the heart? :)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hazel Bazemore Park

Friday, December 4, 2009
Bentsen State Park - Mission, TX